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Oldevatn Camping

Oldevatn Camping Pictures of Loen and Olden has been all over Instagram and for good reasons. Every where you turn you will see beautiful nature. A blue river, white snow on the mountain tops, a boat on the water. I am sure you have all seen it. Our first camping trip with the caravan went to Oldevatn Camping. It is located in Olden, in Nordfjord about 2,5 hours drive from our home. The drive is a little bit long for just a weekend, but totally worth it. The distance from our home to the campingsite is 143 kilometers. We

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A Family Adventure in Sandane, Norway

Sandane: A Picturesque Countryside in the Norwegian Fjords Sandane is a small, enchanting village located in the Sogn og Fjordane region of Norway. The breathtaking nature, with fjords surrounded by towering mountains, makes it a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts. Among the gems of Sandane is Gloppen Camping,  one of our favorite campsites. Learn more about this idyllic spot at Getting there Reaching Sandane from Ålesund requires at least one ferry crossing. There are two driving routes available: the inland route or the coastal route. The inland route takes you through Sykkylven, Stranda ski resorts, Stryn, and Loen, where you

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The Clear Climate Benefits of Electric Vehicles: Debunking the Emissions Myth

As the global push for electric vehicles (EVs) continues, some critics argue that they are not as environmentally friendly as they seem. While it is true that EVs have a higher carbon footprint during production due to battery manufacturing, research consistently shows that they more than make up for this over their lifetimes by emitting far less CO2 than their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts. Sergey Paltsev, Deputy Director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, confirms that electric vehicles offer significant climate advantages compared to gasoline-burning cars. While they may not have zero

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Camping goes electric!

Camping goes electric!  My two daughters (3 and 5 years) are sittings anxiously in their car seats. For the last two days they have pondered which toys to pack. My wife and I have packed our Adria caravan to the brim, the coffee is poured in travel mugs, and our electric car is fully charged. Everything is ready for our summer holidays. This holiday we will be on the road for 23 days. We only have a reservation for the last week. Our original plan was to take the route along the west coast of Norway and end up in

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